(Nicked from CAPSLOCK TARDIS, crazy community.)
Argh, I'm feeling like that today. What follows is a long, rambling post in which you only need to read the first two sentences in order to understand the three-foot long paragraph.
Swing dancing... Yeah. So the cute guy in my business on the web class handed me a flier for free swing dancing lessons on Friday. You must understand, this is the third cute guy even near my age to even smile at me in my entire life! The first dumped me after realizing I wouldn't put out after a month and the second talked to me all of twice before falling off the face of the earth. To be fair, there was that Matt bloke, but he's relatively crazy. Borderline even. I've had ten times that in creepy stalker old men.
Anywho, swing dancing. Interesting. Got lost, got there late. Cute guy was surprised to see that I showed up, probably less surprised to see that I sucked at dancing. But that was alright, he got me caught up on what I missed. :)
So the lessons went on. The girls kept moving down the line after each step, and I got three different creepy old men who each tried spinning me a different way. It was mostly old guys out with their wives, but a few were alone. Creeps. After the lessons they opened it up to open swing dancing. As usual, I sat in a dark, lonely corner while no one asked me to dance save for a few creepy old guys.
Cute guy asked me to dance, and man was he smooth. Rambled on a bit about being a mechanic and tripping over his own feet when he started dancing. He's a sweetie, honestly. I keep wanting to call cute guy Jason. Ahahaha. His name is Paul. *idiot me*
Two seconds after the song ended he said thanks and ran off to dance with yet another girl. Mr. Smooth danced with everyone. He waved goodbye mid-dance when I left. I think I'm getting mixed signals here. >< Any opinions?
Feeling kinda achy today and generally blah overall. Had a nice visit with Jenny, got stuck in TONS of traffic, and tried about ten different ways of lacing up my new shoes. Robin took me and Mom out to dinner, which was generally rubbish. Whenever I'm working or at school, they go to some fancy diner or cool new roadhouse that we've never been to. Whenever I'm home, we ALWAYS go to the same family diner. It's nice, and I love that he's taking us out to dinner, don't get me wrong. I'm in a rubbish mood as it is anywho, don't mind me.
Anyways. That's my rant for the day, sorry 'bout the length.
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