Monday, May 11, 2009

New Spring Classes!

Well, let's just say it's interesting.

Starting the day off with Philosophy at 9 am on a Monday morning is fun enough. The teacher wasn't prepared, the class is three hours long, and we talked about nothing but religion.
Now, I took this class as a challenge. I wanted to see what the teacher had to say, because my friend J., who's also taking the class, told me that the teacher was open minded and a good teacher. We started with rules of logic and three statements that prove God exists and one that proves that he doesn't.
The first statement:

"God is perfect, therefore he has a physical existence." Since he is perfect, he fulfills a physical form as part of his perfection. If he is not perfect, he is not God. If he does not have a physical form, he is not perfect in the mind of atheists.

After this, a girl in front of me popped up her hand, asking about Jesus and how he is a part of this. The teacher had a heart attack and started talking about "no bias" despite the obsessive use of the word "He".

But I had to argue. I waited after class for a few minutes, waiting for the teacher as he tried to hush the girl that was still arguing about Jesus. I tried not to listen. He turned to me with a frantic look.
"I have another class soon and have to go, do you have a relatively short question?" He looked afraid and scattered.
So I asked, "What about Polytheism?"
"That's the belief in many Gods..." he gave me a dumb-founded look.
"I know that."
"Well, that is impossible. Since there are more than one, they have competition. Therefore, they are not perfect. There can only be one champion, right?" He looked at me like a kindergarten teacher looking at a misbehaving child.
"Right, but..."
"So there can only be one God that exists..."
I walked out of the room, shouting over my shoulder as he rambled on senselessly. "Whatever you choose to believe in." I said.

An hour later I walked into the Biomedical Technology Center, a large pristine building. Five minutes into the class, the teacher walks in and hands out the paperwork for a lawsuit. After reading the interesting drunk-driving case, he told us "I don't expect you to know any of these answers, I hope you that you don't in fact." He picked on the girl sitting in front of me, who was taking quite a few classes. Safran asked about the difference between Civil and Criminal suits, different appeals of the court and such. I sat behind the girl, bouncing up and down like a little kid with my hand in the air half the time. Managed to get a lot done and I learned a lot in the first day! It was amazing!

So, from a three-hour philosophy class to the one hour law class. It's interesting.
Sorry, needed to rant. Big day.

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